Aldi Thanks For Google and Stackoverflow.

Cara Rekap FP(Faktur Pajak) Masal Tanpa Harus NEXT CoreTax

1 min read

tips and trick min


  1. Buat Bookmark -> Lalu edit url bookmark yang dibikin, dan pastekan script dibawah
javascript:(function(){'use strict';let r=prompt("Enter 'Rows to show':","");if(r===null||r===""){alert("Canceled.");return;}function d(c,f){let b=new Blob(,{type:"text/plain"}),a=document.createElement("a");a.href=URL.createObjectURL(b);;document.body.appendChild(a);;document.body.removeChild(a);}let,s=XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;,u){this._isTarget=u.includes("/api/outputinvoice/list");return o.apply(this,arguments);};XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send=function(b){if(this._isTarget&&b){try{let j=JSON.parse(b);j.Rows=r;b=JSON.stringify(j);}catch(e){}}this.addEventListener("load",function(){if(this._isTarget&&this.responseText){d(this.responseText,"outputinvoice_list.txt");}});return s.apply(this,[b]);};let f=window.fetch;window.fetch=async(u,o)=>{if(u.includes("/api/outputinvoice/list")&&o&&o.body){try{let b=JSON.parse(o.body);b.Rows=r;o.body=JSON.stringify(b);}catch(e){}}let res=await f(u,o);if(u.includes("/api/outputinvoice/list")){res.clone().text().then(t=>d(t,"outputinvoice_list.txt"));}return res;};})();

  1. masuk coretax lalu dan masuk ke halaman fp keluaran
  2. tekan bookmark yang di bikin tadi
  3. isikan berapa jumlah mau di download, enter
  4. refresh table coretax (table ya bukan yang di url )
  5. bakal ke download file txt (outputinvoice_list.txt)
  6. lalu ke website
  7. di select input nya pilih yang choose file
  8. choose file lagi, pilih file tadi yang di download otomatis yang outputinvoice_list.txt
  9. selesai loading, tekan convert JSON to CSV.. (mau excel juga boleh, sama aja)
  10. selesai download lagi tekan download result.. DONE
  11. sudah pake script ini dan uda selesai tujuan nya harap di refresh coretax nya, agar pas loading berikutnya tidak ke download file txt lagi
Aldi Thanks For Google and Stackoverflow.

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